April 10, 2018 4 H Center

Call to Order:

March meeting was called to order: by President Jeff Hancock. Guests of Mr. Greens, Marty and Judy were made welcome when they arrived.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion made and seconded by Ben Meyer and Robin Meyer to approve the minutes for March 13, 2018 meeting as read by Sherry Schaefer. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report:

Alan Bailey gave the treasurer's report: Motion made by Frank Wildeman second by Robin Meyer to accept as presented. Motion carried.

Library Committee:

Ben had no new information on the Library. It is open for us.

Show Committee:

Bill Kelley reported, Salem United Methodist church on 6311 Kratzville Rd. Has several area's that would work for the show this year on October 27, 2018 9:00-5:00

The Show committee made up of Kathy V. Jeff H came up with a list of jobs to be filled by members to be able to move foward with the show. Each and every member is needed to make this a sucessful show. The following have committed to being in charge of:

Teaching Report:

No Report with Richard not being at the meeting. Mr Green reported that the Newburgh carving group is now up to 15 people and that the Library has approched them to show their carving in the display units on the wall of the Library. Possibility for the group to display for the Month of May

Old Business:

Rich Wetherbee clay class report: Steve Eli, brought and showed the clay pieces from the first class he took from Rich and the pieces from the this past month. Steve expressed the talent and abilities Rich has in his teaching skills. Steve was very impressed that Rich was offering to discount the class fee because he felt he was not giving each of us enough individual time which was not the fact.

Rich Wetherbee caring class report: Kathy Vonderahe brought and displayed carved pieces from the classes she has taken from Rich. Kathy also expressed how very instuctional and enjoyable Rich's classes are.

Schultheis insurance questionnaire for liability insurance signed and returned. Jeff is handling this. Insurance Paid.

Discussed setting up in the Master gardener craft fair across from the Armory on June 9, 2018 8:00-1:00 to recruit new membership for the club. More information next month.

Discussion tonight on the Club yearly expenses with the rental of the room from the 4-H and insurance we have $1,720.00. With this being the expenses a discussion of increasing the yearly dues was brought before the floor. After much discussion on member verses family membership a motion was made by Jon Gunnels to increase the member yearly dues to $30.00 a person and $40.00 a family effective January 1, 2019 and seconded by Ben Meyer. Motion Carried, By-law's will show changes.

New Business:


April Class: Jack Winkleman presented the techinques the carving of Golf Balls. Everyone enjoyed the class. Thank you Jack for a great class.

Mini-Seminar instructions are needed: Pays $25.00 per

May: Open carving night

June - Nov.: Open and needs to be filled.

Half Pot:

Winner, Bob Kleiman and second winner Bob Korressel of books from Bob K. and third winner Jack Winkelman of books donated from Kathy

Show and Tell:

Ranged from Ducks, Clay pieces, Santa, Otter, Bears, Turtles, Owls, Bark cottonwood tree face carving, bark plaque, Duck with pinecone feathers, Boy scout carving, Fish woodburing, Boot carving, Tom Turkey and hen. Each and every carving from the members show a lot of talent.


Being no further business motion made by Ben Meyer and seconded by Robin Meyer, meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting is Tuesday, May 8, 2018, 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room

Respectfully submitted:

Sherry D Schaefer, Secretary