August 8, 2017 4 H Center

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Jeff Hancock, President.

"No New Faces" to be recognized but those in attendance were welcomed by JEFF.

Minutes of previous meeting:

The motion was made by Robin Meyer and seconded by Bob Johnson to accept the July minutes as posted on the club's website. Motion carried, minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Treasurer Alan Bailey gave the Treasurer's Report including present status of club accounts. Motion to accept the report as given was made by Bob Johnson with a second by Ben Meyer. Motion carried, treasurer's report approved.

Library Committee:

Ben Meyer reported there were no changes currently to the Library . He reminded members the library cabinet was open in the hallway adjacent to our present meeting room.

Show Committee:

Old Business:

1. Name Tag Competition- JEFF reminded members that tonight was the night for the name tag contest and tags entered must be "newly carved" and the winner chosen would receive $25.00 JEFF explained the voting procedure for the evening and voting would take place right after the business meeting.

2. Rich Weatherbee Seminar- Currently scheduled for October 23 and 24 JEFF is trying to contact Rich about changing the days and dates but has been unable to reach him. The seminar cost is $150, sign up is full presently but a waiting list has been started. Neil Ward provided JEFF with a possible phone number where Rich may be reached.

3. Clarification- JEFF discovered that after last year's carving show a check was written from the general account to pay for Randy and Pat Moore's accommodations. Upon reviewing club minutes JEFF found the original approved motion that stated their expenses would be paid from the Sister Josita fund. The amount of $456.51 will be transferred from that account back to the general account. Information provided, no action needed!

4. Meeting Location- the possibility of moving our meetings to another location is still being looked into.

New Business:

1. Website- The club will be paying a required Domain Registration fee of $90.00 to our current website provider.

2. October Benefit Auction- Steve Eli handed out flyers explaining about the club's auction in October to benefit the general fund for operating expenses, etc. Each member present was asked to take a flyer and share at will encouraging new and old club members and guests to participate in this auction to make it a success for the club. Steve will be personally mailing out flyers to current members not present at tonight's meeting. HE also will try to send flyers to some recent members that have stopped coming for whatever reason to try and encourage more participation in not only the auction but the club itself!

3. Carvings For Charity- discussed briefly at the July meeting what to do with donated Carvings for Charity pieces already received by the club became a moot point when Kathy V. stated she only had one item donated so far. It was agreed that item would go into the auction for October.

5. Show and Tell- Items shown by Bob Kleiman, Larry Adams and Bill Kelly.

6. NAME TAG WINNER- FRANK WILDEMAN -Congratulations! Auditor said voting was very close, Thanks to all that participated!!!!


4. Mini Seminars- September -Frank Wildeman carving angels**For those participating Frank asks that they please bring their relief carving boards if they have them.

October- Club Auction- All members asked to participate, PLEASE !!!!

November- - Richard Hitch, Wizards.

Half Pot:

The half pot was won by Bob Kleiman.


Motion to adjourn made by Robin Meyer and seconded by Ben Meyer, motion carried, meeting adjourned.

The next meeting is Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Our meeting was followed by a seminar led

Respectfully submitted:

Steve Eli, Protem Secretary