January 10 2017 4 H Center

Call to Order:

January meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by President Jeff Hancock. Guests and new Members were made welcome.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion made and seconded by Ben and Robin Meyer to approve the minutes for November 9, 2016, meeting as posted on the Club's web site. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report:

Alan Bailey gave to treasurer's report: Motion made by Kathy Vonderahe, second by Robin Meyer to accept as presented. Motion carried.

Library Committee:

Ben Meyer read a refresher on the rules for use of the Library.

Show Committee:

President, Jeff Hancock has arranged the first meeting of this years committee on January 21, 2017. Time 9:00 a.m. Place: Seton Residence. He ask all those interested in being on the committee please attend.

Old Business:

Bill Kelly brought information on styles and cost of club shirts. Please see Bill Kelly if you are wanting to order shirts. Robin Meyer is also checking on T-shirts and will report back her findings at a later time.

Discussion on the 2016 show and the loss we had. Members agree we need to look at what we can do to improve the out come of future shows.

Several members brought pieces tonight to show and tell. Thank you for sharing great pieces with the club.

President requested volunteers for Mini-Seminars at the monthly meeting this year. He has a sign up sheet for those interested in leading a mini-seminar. The Club pays $25.00 per mini-seminar for the instructor at each meeting. Tonight's seminar will be presented by Frank Wilderman.

New Business:

Due to the increase in cost of the banquet hall the meetings have been moved to the conference room. After discussion of possible new location, cost, room size and the importance of keeping our meeting in this area for our out of town members a motion was made and second to continue using the conference room through November 2017. Motion carried.

President announced Steve Brown will be the Judge for the 2017 show.


Steve Brown Seminar: October 23 and 24, 2017 Cost $100.00 plus cost of rough-out. Location to be determined (Hopefully Seton Residence.)

January: Frank Wilderman, class on carving the Poinsettia flower
March: Marvin Daniels- class on Eyes
June: Jack Winkleman

All other Months open for instructors

Half Pot:

The half pot was won by Jon Gunnels.


There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
Next meeting February 14, 2017 : 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room

Respectfully submitted:

Sherry D Schaefer, Secretary