January 8, 2019 4 H Center

Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by President Sherry Schaefer @ 6:00_P.M. Tuesday, January 8. 2019.

Guests: Andrew Thompson and Ancel Rick Thompson

Minutes of previous meeting:

Approval of minutes (as posted on TSC Website) for the November Meeting: Motion to accept by Richard Hitch 2nd Robin Meyer; Minutes Approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Treasurer Alan Bailey gave the year-end treasurer's report. Motion to approve: Ben Meyer, Second by Robin Meyer, Report approved.

Teaching Report:

As of this very evening Richard Hitch has two new beginner prospects.

Library Committee:

Show Committee:

Old Business:

During election of officers in November the position of Club Librarian was omitted. Ben Meyer has offered to remain as the Club Librarian, Thank You Ben!!

Sherry gave a report on the Club Christmas Party in December thanking those in attendance with special thanks to Marvin Daniels and Grandson Jackson for providing the entertainment. Thanks to those participating in the ornament exchange.

New Business:

1.) Office budget for Treasurer and Secretary-no action
2.) Proposed 2019 Seminars- Caricature carver Wayne Laramore , Sparta, Illinois. Cost $125.00 per student plus cost of roughout. Ken Alvey has offered his studio to use for the seminar. Details to follow.
2a) Some interest in inviting Rich Wetherbee back.
3.) TSC 2019 Show Plans:
a. Motion made by Steve Eli and seconded by Ken Alvey to return to Salem United Methodist Church for the show's location. Motion carried, date TBA
b. Plans to form the show committee in March and vendor applications, floor layout TBD.
c. Warren Schafer reported that with the help from the club's donation and concession proceeds the church was able to purchase a defribillator!
4.) President's announcements:
1. 2019 Dues must be paid by March to form the official roster.
2. Instructors are needed for the monthly mini-seminars' Instructors are paid $25.00. Plans for Feb. Seminar will be Kathy Vonderahe and a Snowman Ornament. Any others interested in presenting a seminar need to contact Sherry. Also, if members would like to request a person or project for a seminar also let Sherry know.
3.Sherry is urging members to use Facebook and social Media sources to try and increase club interest and Membership.
4.Discussion on forming an evening weekly carving Group. Warren will check on his church's availability.
5. At the February meeting we will move back to the large meeting room on South side of main 4-H Bldg.


Show and Tell:

Club members showing their works tonight were: Bob Kleiman, Jon Gunnels, Kathy Vonderahe, Joel Slayton and Frank Wildeman. (pictures posted on Facebook)

Half Pot:

$15.00 to Ben Meyer! Bob Kleiman donated carving gloves for a second and third drawing; Winners were Andrew Thompson and Don Deutsch.

In honor of Kathy Vonderahe's recent retirement cookies were provided for the club to enjoy!


Motion to adjourn by Richard Hitch, second by Robin Meyer. Meeting adjourned.

Seminar with Jack Winkelman carving dachsunds followed the business meeting.

Next Meeting February 12, 2019 in the large room South Side of Main 4-H Building: mini-seminar with Kathy V.

Respectfully submitted:

Steve Eli, Secretary