July 10, 2018 4 H Center

Call to Order:

June meeting was called to order: by President Jeff Hancock.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion made and seconded by Robin Meyer and Joel Slaton to approve the minutes for June 12, 2018 meeting as they appear on the website.

Treasurer's Report:

Alan Bailey gave the treasurer's report: Motion made by Ben Meyer second by Joel Slaton to accept as presented. Motion carried.

Library Committee:

Ben reported: It is open for us.

Show Committee:

Old Business:

Club Show: Salem United Methodist Church on October 27, Time 9:00-4:00 Set Time on Friday evening will be 4:00-7:00 PM. Open at 7:00 on Saturday for vendors to set-up.

Jim Hart of Good Wood etc. has committed to the show and is asking for wood size requests from our members.

New Business:

Jeff would like to measure the floors at the Church for Set up. He and Warren are to meet at the Church and it the final mearsurements.


Mini-Seminar instructions are needed: Pays $25.00 per class

Tonights Mini-Seminar: Marvin Daniels class on spoons
August: Open
September: Kathy
October: Open
November: Open

Half Pot:

The half pot was won by: Bob Kleiman $14.00

Show and Tell:

Several members brought in their carving and shared to the group! We had everything from Dogs, Wood burn horse,Snowman, Native Anerican, Bears, boots, duck head, bark face carving,Rooster, to wood turn hinge. Thanks to all for sharing!


Being no further business motion made by Conrad Wetzel second by Larry Adams meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting: August 14, 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room

Respectfully submitted:

Sherry D Schaefer, Secretary