March 9, 2021 4 H Center

Call to Order:

Meeting was called to order at 6:04 P.M. by President Jack Winkleman. We welcomed guests Julie Garrett, Shannon Ulewicz, Alivia Garrett, Kat Ulewicz, and Kathy Hamilton.

Minutes of previous meeting:

There was a error in the February meeting notes. Jeff Hancock brought to our attention that "half-pot was given to Jeff Hancock"; it should say; was won by Jeff Hancock and he donated it back to the Club. Motion to approve the February meeting minutes was made by Jeff Hancock and seconded by Phillip Adkins. Motion carried. Minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Treasurer Jon Gunnels gave his report. Motion was made by Jeff Hancock and seconded by Ben Meyer. Motion carried. Treasurer's report approved. Working on Club insurance. The contract for continuing to meet at the 4H center is complete. We are set to carve here for 2021. With the new contract we can start carving at 3:30 P.M. on Tuesday prior to our monthly meeting. The new contract includes a December meeting date so we can have our Christmas party here. Thank you, Jon.

Library Committee:

Library is opened and we have ornaments out on the table up front for the show.

Show Committee:

Jeff Hancock has the show set for October 23 and 24 in the Banquet Hall at the 4-H Center. We need Sponsors for the show. We talked about having school groups coming in and having a hands on carving. We also talked about getting a 501C3 Grant with possible matching grant from Toyota and also having the Boy Scouts come in and earn their Woodcarver's Merit Badge. We also discussed an Indiana Art Grant. Show Committee meeting will be held before the next meeting on April 13, 2021 at 5:30 P.M..

Old Business:

Tool auction for Conrad Wetzel's tool's is scheduled for the June Meeting, which will be June 8, 2021, in the Banquet Hall during our meeting. It is only for members and guests they invite.

President Jack Winkleman checked out the May 1 Fort Branch Indiana Community Park Tri-State Craft Shows Fairs and Vendors. Facebook stated inside spots were full ($40), outside spots 12'x12' available ($30). Called and was told there was one spot left a 10'x10' ($100). Opted not to play this game.

No more information on the square.

New Business:

Please see Jon Gunnels to pay your club dues for 2021, and get your new membership card.

Carver's are still meeting at the Lions Kiwanis Club on Thursday morning's at 9:00 A.M.. The address is 524 Filmore Street Newburgh, Indiana.

Master Gardner- Garden Walk is scheduled for June 26 and 27, 2021. We have carved there in the past. Budget & Finance Discussion= We have continued to have more expenses than income for the past several years. Our total financial net worth as a Club has reached a troubling level. The upcoming Auction should temporarily help this situation. However we need to look at the long term solution. We will pull together a budget committee in the coming week to start going over the finance numbers so we can bring a better understanding of our overall cashflow back to the Club members, hopefully at the April meeting. We will need the Club's help at that time to map a path forward.


President Jack would like feedback on any seminars the club would be willing to support in 2021. Kathy Vonderahe suggested Pat Moore. Neil Ward suggested Carolyn Boyd.

Upcoming mini seminars include: April-Kathy, May-Frank, June-Auction.

Show and Tell:

Keith Hemenway showed his little covid guy, owl and dog.

Kathy Vonderaheshowed her santas.

Jack Winkleman showed his kolrosing.

Dan Alldredge showed his plaques.

Frank Wildeman showed his pinecone, Christmas tree and satelite trees.

Marvin Daniels showed his bark carvings and leprechauns.

Robin Meyer showed her ornaments that she burnt.

Half Pot:

Half pot was won by Jack Winkleman.

Other Announcements:

Phillip Adkins updated us on Neil Ward's wife Rita.

There are two cedar logs to take so grab one.


Jeff Hancock made a motion to adjorn. Seconded by Ben Meyer. Motion carried.

The next meeting is Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Thank you to Jack Winkleman for doing the mini seminar tonight.

Respectfully submitted:

Robin Meyer, Secretary