October 8, 2019 4 H Center

Call to Order:

President Sherry Schaefer called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
Although there were no visitors to recognize the club has received a long -distance HELLO from former club member Mr. Bob Johnson who now resides in Virginia near his son.

Condolences to the family of former club member Bob Schreiber of Petersburg, IN.

Minutes of previous meeting:

September Minutes- Motion was made by Robin Meyer and seconded by Jeff Hancock to approve the minutes as posted online. Motion carried minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Alan Bailey gave the current status of the club's accounts. Motion to approve the report was made by Jeff Hancock with a second by Dan Aldredge. Report approved.

Library Committee:

Ben Meyer reported that there would be a few select items taken from the library and offered for sale at the carving show.

Show Committee:

Committee met before the regular meeting to discuss items to be finalized before the show and during the show. Items included:
1. Need volunteers to sell tickets at the door. (Thanks to those that volunteered to work! Sherry will have the sign up sheet)
2. Drawing for ornaments from the tree carved by club members will be made every 30 minutes. Robin will be in charge of this.
3. Kathy Vonderahe reported on the digital advertising the club purchased will begin to run this next week.
4. Set-up will begin at 4 P.M. Friday afternoon. We will need help getting table set up. No tables will be assigned until Jeff arrives. Members can also set up beginning at 7 A.M, Saturday morning.
5. The church ladies will be offering both breakfast and lunch for a free will offering. Members are encouraged to support these ladies in their fund raising efforts. NO outside food is to be brought in please!
6. Thanks! To Jeff for coordinating getting some signs and materials from Ken Alvey.
Special thanks to Alan Bailey and son Elliot for coming up with some new ideas for getting our advertising signs in some high profile places ( West Side Nut Cub Fall Festival) Magic word persimmon!

Old Business:

New Business:

1.) John Wilkinson will not be available to do the mini seminar in November. Jack Winkelman graciously stepped up and will do the seminar that evening. Thanks! Jack!!

2.) Election of Officers in November-

Sherry asked for a committee to search for candidates for the November election. Some discussion was held but an actual committee was formed.

President- Sherry will not be seeking re-election

Vice- President- Frank has indicated he will continue as V.P.
Secretary- Steve Eli will be stepping down and Robin Meyer has shown some interest in that position.
Treasurer- Alan Bailey indicated he will remain as Treasurer


Mini-seminars: Tonight's seminar will be conducted by Jeff Hancock. Will be carving pumpkins. November's seminar will be Jack Winkelman and the club Christmas Party is tentatively scheduled for the December meeting at the church where the show will be held.

Show and Tell

Bob Kleiman- Pine cone turkey and an ornament for the club Christmas Tree;
Bob Koressel, Carved Santa on skis; Marvin Daniels, Bark Carving; Dan
Aldredge- Carved Ladle and a pryrography piece. Jon Gunnels had carved spoons in some different kinds of wood.

Half Pot:

Half Pot of $12.50 was won by Alan Bailey and he donated it back to the club.


Motion to adjourn made by Robin , second by Jeff, meeting adjourned.


The next meeting is Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Respectfully submitted:

Steve Eli, Secretary