September 14, 2021 4 H Center

Call to Order:

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Jack Winkleman. We welcomed guest's Dan Dickerson and Jerry Shatto.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion to approve the minutes for August meeting was made by Jeff Hancock and seconded by Ben Meyer. Motion carried. Minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Treasurer Jon Gunnels gave his report. Motion was made by Jeff Hancock and seconded by Ben Meyer. Motion carried. Treasurer's report approved.

Library Committee:

Any discussion on Library. Library is open. Christmas ornament cutouts are available.

Show Committee:

Jeff Hancock has the show set for October 23 and 24, 2021; from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.; at the 4 H Center in the Banquet Hall. Nineteen tables are sold, signs, ornaments, and door sign up sheet.

Old Business:

Treasurer Jon Gunnels said that Bill Kelly is in the lead for selling the most half pot tickets. Thank you Bill and to all who sold half pot tickets.

New Business:

Show signs are available. Please pick up one or more for your yard.

November is the Club Officer Election meeting. The nominating committee will start looking for officer candidates in October. Please consider serving on the nominating committee if asked. Please, please help share the load by considering taking on a Club Officer's position.


Rich Wetherbee seminar. We currently have 11 people interested. Jack Winkleman, Kathy Vonderahe, Steve Eli, Neil Ward, Phil Adkins, Roy Kline, Bill Kelly, Danny Conley, Marvin Daniels, Gene Stton and Jerry Shatto. Upcoming minni seminars include: Tonight- will be Kathy offering a stacked pumpkin carving, October will be Jack and November will be Robin offering a mini seminar on woodburned ornaments.

Show and Tell:

Marvin Daniels showed his cowboy.

Jerry Shatto showed his ducks and his indian.

Roy Kline showed his broom.

Kathy Vonderahe showed her trees and cowboy.

Dan Alldredge showed his deer woodburning, relief carving.

Steve Eli showed his where's Joey and santas.

Jack Winkleman showed his carvings of clay wood for wheels.

Half Pot:

Half-Pot was given to Palenita Eli.


Jeff Hancock made the motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Ben Meyer.

The next meeting is Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Thank you to Kathy Vonderahe for doing the mini seminar tonight.

Respectfully submitted:

Robin Meyer, Secretary